James Krantz
“Social Defences in the Information Age” in Social Defences against Anxiety: Explorations in the Paradigm. M. Rustin and D. Armstrong (eds.) London: Karnac, 2014
“Reflective Space and the Exercise of Power” in Psychoanalytic Essays on Power and Vulnerability Halina Brunning (ed.) London: Karnac, 2013
“Approaching twenty-first century, information-based Organisations” in Humanness in Organisations: A Psychodynamic Contribution Leopold Vansina (ed.) London: Karnac, 2013
“Work Culture Analysis and Reflective Space” Socio-analytic Methods: Discovering the Hidden in Organisations and Social Systems Susan Long (ed.) London: Karnac Books, 2013
“Socio-analysis: a method for thinking systemically about relationships at work” Socio-analytic methods to study and change groups and organizations E. Acuna & M. Sanfuentes (eds) Santiago, Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 2013
“Past and Present as a Mirror of the Future” Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World H. Brunning (ed.) London: Karnac 2012
“Notes on Otherness” Kav Ofek December 2011, No. 12 pp. 59 – 60
“Reflective citizenship: an organizational perspective” L. Gould, A. Lucey, and L. Stapley (eds.) The Reflective Citizen: Organizational and Social Dynamics London: Karnac, 2011 pp. 149 – 162
Review of Society Against Itself: Political Correctness and Organizational Self-Destruction” Howard Schwartz London: Karnac, 2010 in Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol.11, No. 2. pp. 231 – 235
Review of Politics, Identity, and Emotion Paul Hoggett London: Paradigm Publishers, 2009. Organisational and Social Dynamics, Vol.11, No 1 pp. 127 – 131
“The Myth that Binds” H. Brunning & M. Perini (eds.) Psychoanalytic Perspectives on a Turbulent World London: Karnac 2010
“Social Defences and 21st Century Organizations: A Tribute to the Contribution of Isabel Menzies-Lyth” British Journal of Psychotherapy 26.2, May 2010 pp. 192-201
“The Evolution of Basic Assumptions in Twenty-first Century Organizations” Socio-Analysis Volume 11, 2009, pp. 1-15
“Forward” in Psychoanalytic Studies of Organizations B. Sievers (ed.) London: Karnac, 2009
“Vitalidad Organizacional y el estado fundamentalista de la mente” Jornal Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, año XXV, No 1-2, Enero-Junio 2009.
“Un marco para la consultoría del role organizacional” with M. Maltz. Coaching: Análisis Del Rol Organizacional. E. Acuña & M. Sanfuentes (eds.) Santiago, Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 2009.
“Sources of Hope in Contemporary Organizations” in A. Ahlers-Niemann, B. Sievers, R. Redding Mersky & U. Bremer (eds) The Normal Madness in Organizations: Socio-analytic thoughts and interventions. Dusseldorf: EHP-Verlag Andreas Kohlhage.
“Bricks Without Mortar: The Decline of Sentience in Global Organizations,” with Gould, L. presented at the OPUS Conference, 2005 (forthcoming)
“Einige Gedanken über Reflexion in Organisationen” (Reflection in Organizations) Freie Assoziation Zeitschrift für das Unbewusste in Organisation und Kultur 8 2005, 2
“Fundamentalism and the Search for Mature Hope” E.J. Miller Memorial Lecture, OPUS, London. Journal of Organisational and Social Dynamics Vol. 6, no. 2, 2006 pp. 258-272
“Leadership, Betrayal and Adaptation” Human Relations Vol. 59(2), 2006 pp. 221-240
“Dilemmas of Organizational Change: A Systems Perspective.” L. Gould, M. Stein & L. Stapley (eds.) The Systems Psychodynamics of Organizations. London: Karnac Books, 2001
“Anxiety & the New Order” in E. Klein, F. Gabelnick and P. Herr (eds.) Leadership in the 21st Century Madison, CT: International Universities Press, 1998
“A Framework for Consulting to Organizational Role” with M. Maltz Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research Spring, 1997, volume 49, no. 2 pp.137-151
“Parallel Processes as Scaffolding: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ad Hoc Processes” with T. Gilmore. In Alan A. Altschuler & Robert D. Behn Innovations in American Government: Opportunities, Challenges and Dilemmas. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1997
“A New Vision for Public Service Education,” with E. Schall Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum, 1996, Vol. 7, No. 3.
“Revitalizing Human Service Organizations: An Action Research Perspective” with E. Schall Residential Treatment For Children & Youth, Volume 13, Issue 1, 1995, Pages 55 – 74, 1994
“Innovation in the Public Sector: Managing the Tension between Protection and Encapsulation” with T. Gilmore Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Vol. 10, No. 3, Summer 1992
“Listening with the Third Ear in Organizational Consulting: Projective Identification in the Consulting Relationship” in M. Kets de Vries (ed.) Organizations on the Couch: Handbook of Psychoanalysis and Management. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1991
“Lessons from the Field: An Essay on the Crisis of Leadership in Contemporary Organizations.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Vol. 26, No. 1, 1990 pp. 49-64
“The Splitting of Leadership and Management as a Social Defense” with T. Gilmore Human Relations Vol. 43, No. 2, 1990 pp. 183-204 Reprinted in: Psychoanalytic Studies of Organizations London: Karnac, 2009
“Group Relations in Context” in J. Gillette & M. McCollom (eds.) Groups In Context: A New Perspective on Groups Dynamics New York: Addison-Wesley, 1990
“A Biography of Eric Trist” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Vol. 26, 1990 pp. vii-viii
Review of “Industrialization Revisited” Savage, Jr., Charles and Lombard, George. Sons of the Machine Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1986. Contemporary Sociology, May, 1989.
“The Managerial Couple: The Superior-Subordinate Relationship as a Unit of Analysis.” Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 28, No 2, 1989 pp. 161-175 Reprinted in The Dynamics of Organizations L. Hirschhorn and C. Barnett (ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1993
Description and Assessment of the Administration of Romania’s Social Welfare System for Children and Families with D. Tobis and J. Meltzer Bucharest, Romania: United Nations Children’s Fund, 1993
Review of In the Age of the Smart Machine by Soshanna Zuboff New York: Basic Books, 1988. Sloan Management Review Fall, 1988
Review of The Family in Business P. Rosenblatt, L. de Mik and R. Anderson San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985. Family Business Review Vol. 1, No 2, summer, 1988
Irrationality in Social and Organizational Life (ed.) Washington, D.C.: The A.K. Rice Institute, 1987
“Group Process under Conditions of Organizational Decline” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Vol. 21, No. 1, February 1985. Reprinted in Readings in Organizational Decline K. Cameron, R. Sutton and D. Whetten (eds.) Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pubs., Co., 1987
“Action-Based Modes of Inquiry and the Host-Researcher Relationship” with T. Gilmore, R. Ramirez, Consultation, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1986
“Projective Identification in the Consulting Relationship: Exploring the Unconscious Dimensions of a Client System,” with T. Gilmore. Human Relations Vol. 38, No.12, 1985 pp 1159-1177. Reprinted in Freie Assoziation “Projektive Identifizierung in der Organisationsberatung” 6.Jahrgang, Heft 2/2003 pp 53-72 Reprinted in Sievers, B. Psychodynamik von Organisationen Beisen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2008 pp 267-289
Editor: Theory Section Group Relations Reader II. A. Colman and M. Geller (eds.) Washington, D.C.: A.K. Rice Institute, 1985
“Developmental Processes of Residency Education” with H. Rotbart, W. Nelson & R. Doughty American Journal of Diseases of Children Vol. 139, Aug. 1985
“Teaching Fundamental Issues in Group and Interpersonal Relations: An Intervention Designed to Enhance Resident Learning, Productivity, and the Quality of Work Life.” with R. Doughty American Journal of Diseases of Children (Vol. 139, Dec. 1985, pp. 1206-1210)
“Unconscious Planning in Natural Work Groups,” with L. Hirschhorn, Human Relations, Vol. 35, No 10, 1982